(Updated Feb 15, 2021)

Upcoming Courses: All Courses presently ON HOLD until at least September 2021
LIVE, ONLINE Classroom-Like Courses

(Online Enrollment: Under Construction)
Enroll or Inquire about our courses via e-mail, phone, or simply print out the Enrollment form and email or mail to:

Training@Advanced MotorTech.com

Advanced MotorTech LLC
6822 22nd Avenue North -- Suite 265
St. Petersburg, FL 33710 USA

Enrollment Link Here: (All Courses presently ON HOLD) (Enrollment...)

We currently offer the following Courses:
(Alphabetical Order)

1. Advanced Motor Design
2. Application of Industrial Motors,
    Drives and Transformers
    (under development)
3. Electric Motor Technoloy
    for Non-EngIneers
4. Induction Motor Design
5. Motor Manufcaturing Methods
6. PMAC Motor Design
7. Reluctance Motor Design
8. Single Phase Induction
    Motor Design
    (under development)
9. Thermal Design of Motors
10. Winding Three Phase Motors--
    Hands-on Experience
    (under development)

....More detail below....

1. Advanced Motor Design

Key advanced motor design topics are addressed in six fast-paced, half-day sessions. Understand the problem, choose solution methods, and interpret analysis and test data. (more...)

View previous Advanced Motor Design brochure here

2. Application of Industrial Motors, Drives and Transformers
    (under development)

Practical application practices for electric motors, variable frequency drives (VFDs), and power transformers. Learn how to properly size, select, operate, and maintain these key pieces of electrical power equipment. (more...)

View Applications Brochure Here (Later)

3. Electric Motor Technology for Non-EngIneers

Concepts of electrical motor technology from expert motor technologists, for non technical staff. A unique and highly rated course, provides technical explantion of basic electric motor design, construction and operating principles, with focus on why its there, how it works, what is important, plus terminology & jargon. (more...)

View previous Electric Motor Technology brochure here

4. Induction Motor Design

Key principles and practical concepts of three-phase induction machine design engineering--Winding pattern, Core materials, slot design, rotor bar design, performance prediction inlcuding efficiency. (more...)

View previous Induction Motor brochure here

5. Motor Manufacturing Methods

A practical understanding of motor manufacturing methods and technology being used today. Method vs volume, new developments, automation & work cells, pros vs cons, efficiency vs quality. (more...)

View previous Motor Manufacturing brochure here

6. Permanent Magnet AC Motor Design--

Surface Magnet PM, BLDC, IPM,PM-Assisted-Synchronous-Relucatnce machines. Includes advanced concepts in motor design with understanding design technicques, new trends, traction and drive systems. (more...)

View PMAC brochure here

7. Reluctance Motor Design--Both Switched and Synchronous Reluctance

This course teaches the key principles and practiced concepts about reluctance machines, both Switched Reluctance and Synchronous Reluctance. (more...)

View previous Reluctance brochure here

8. Single Phase Induction Motor Design

Principles and practical concepts unique to single-phase induction machine design--Operating principles and theory, Coil configuration and design, Capacitor usage, Core materials, slot design, rotor bar design, starting and running performance prediction (more...)

View Single Phase brochure here (Later)

9. Thermal Design of Motors

UNIQUE course - THERMAL DESIGN Principles and Methods for hardware decision-making for Induction Motors, PM Motors, Reluctance Motors & DC Motors by applying practical experience, academic theory, material characteristics, manufacturing practices (more...)

View previous Thermal brochure here

10. Winding Three Phase Motors--Hands-On Experience Part1
(Under Development)

First course of its kind--One-Day
The training content and agenda is still evolving Winding three phase motors is a craft that comes from experience, and no other way. We will have prepared stators, supplies and tools, ready to practice the next task. (more...)

View Winding Brochure Here(later)